QUESTION: Window resize not working?

Hi. I am trying to build an .exe file to run on WINDOWS, but somehow the game is only shown in a very small window. I did follow the Win32 Settings DOC to add the information in build.settings BUT somwhow I can not manage the window of the game to resize with the mouse OR to start / change to fullscreen.

What am I missing here? How can I add control in a Solar2D app to achieve this?

Any help welcome. :slight_smile:

Thank you!


Mind if you share your build.settings Win32 section?

Of courseā€¦ here it is:

settings =
        win32 =
            preferenceStorage = "registry",
            singleInstance = true,

            window =
                -- Settings for the desktop window; applies to both Win32 and macOS desktop apps
                defaultMode = "fullscreen",
                resizable = true,
                defaultViewWidth = 320,
                defaultViewHeight = 480,
                enableCloseButton = true,
                enableMinimizeButton = true,
                enableMaximizeButton = true,
                suspendWhenMinimized = true,

                titleText = {
                    -- The "default" text will be used if the system is using a language and/or
                    -- country code not defined below. This serves as a fallback mechanism.
                    default = "NAME",
                    -- This text is used on English language systems in the United States.
                    -- Note that the country code must be separated by a dash (-).
                    ["enā€us"] = "NAME",
                    -- This text is used on English language systems in the United Kingdom.
                    -- Note that the country code must be separated by a dash (-).
                    ["enā€gb"] = "NAME",
                    -- This text is used for all other English language systems.
                    ["en"] = "NAME",
                    -- German
                    ["de"] = "NAME",
                    -- This text is used for all French language systems.
                    --["fr"] = "Window Title Test (French)",
                    -- This text is used for all Spanish language systems.
                    --["es"] = "Window Title Test (Spanish)",

That helps. :slight_smile:

window is not meant to be inside the win32 table, so it should be:

settings = 
  win32 = {

  window = {

with their respective values.

Now, aside of that, Iā€™m coming across a weird issue I havenā€™t seen beforeā€¦ for me if I have preferenceStorage = "registry", it seems to always launch the application on fullscreen mode no matter what I set on defaultMode, but it works fine if I comment out the preferenceStorage key or set its value to sqlite which is the default.

Thanks a lot for your fast help with this! Much appreciated!
I totally missed this one! :slight_smile:

I will test soon and keep an eye on the issue you are mentioning.

Have a great weekend!

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