Questions about camera in Corona

Have a few questions that I think I know the answer to, but hoping I am wrong.   :slight_smile:

  1. Is there a way using the default Corona API – media.capturePhoto() – to have the app take a photo automatically, without the user pressing a button?

  2. Is there a way using the default Corona API to have the app take a picture without displaying the camera interface?

  3. Is there a way using the default Corona API to have the app detect, and automatically use, a front camera?

Not that I’m aware of (for all three).


Thanks, Rob.  That’s what I was afraid of.  :frowning:

Really hope you guys get the plugin marketplace open so more experienced developers can help create new functionality for others that they cannot create for themselves.  It’s one of the things (aside from being free) that is making Appcelerator/Titanium look better and better.


Not that I’m aware of (for all three).


Thanks, Rob.  That’s what I was afraid of.  :frowning:

Really hope you guys get the plugin marketplace open so more experienced developers can help create new functionality for others that they cannot create for themselves.  It’s one of the things (aside from being free) that is making Appcelerator/Titanium look better and better.
