Quick tip to those trying to make a dash style game...

Provided you have a tile with the IsPlayer property on the Platforms layer, the following should work. Good luck!


local function loop (event)
if player and gameIsActive then
tileLayer = map:getTileLayer(“Platforms”)
map:setPosition(player.x, player.y)

Runtime:addEventListener(“enterFrame”, loop)
[/code] [import]uid: 56303 topic_id: 10816 reply_id: 310816[/import]

Great snippet, this should help a lot! [import]uid: 5833 topic_id: 10816 reply_id: 39292[/import]

Sorry for sounding dumb, but could you explain what this is for/what it does? :slight_smile: [import]uid: 61052 topic_id: 10816 reply_id: 62751[/import]

This moved the player constantly in an update loop, however since then there have been some helper methods added like a move() function. [import]uid: 5833 topic_id: 10816 reply_id: 64268[/import]

I have tried the code but my tile will not move is there anything else i need to add to it?
[import]uid: 29011 topic_id: 10816 reply_id: 75316[/import]