Random Screen Selection

Hi, I haven’t been using Corona for about 5 years and I am very much still a newbie. I have a problem that I am unable to solve despite trying really hard!!!

I had previously developed an app using the ‘shake’ function to select and display a random screen from

a fixed number of images. It worked fine after I got help on here. The process was

Press Play Button on Splash Screen > screen with shake instruction > shake phone > random selection > shake phone > random selection. Here is the code on the play.lua

module(…, package.seeall)

function new()

local localGroup = display.newGroup()

–> This is how we start every single file or “screen” in our folder, except for main.lua

– and director.lua

–> director.lua is NEVER modified, while only one line in main.lua changes, described in that file


local background = display.newImage (“shake.png”)


–> This sets the background

local img = { “1.png”, “2.png”, “3.png”, “4.png”, “5.png”, “6.png”, };

local function onShake(event)

if event.isShake then

math.randomseed ( os.time () )

local r = math.random(1,#img);

local image = display.newImage(img[r], 0, 0);


return true;


Runtime:addEventListener(“accelerometer”, onShake);

return localGroup


However, I now want to create the app without the shake function and add a ‘nextbutton’ to the random selection so the new process would be

Press Play Button on Splash Screen > random selection with new next button > press next button > random selection > press next button > random selection.

Any help/advice would be greatly received. Thanks



The Director Class has not been updated in several years. We have our own scene manager called “Composer” that apps should use today.

You would need a list of scenes that could be randomly gone to and when you click the next button, you could use math.random() to select the scene name to go to and then go to that scene.


Hi Rob,

Thanks for taking the time to respond. Much appreciated.

Regards Bob

The Director Class has not been updated in several years. We have our own scene manager called “Composer” that apps should use today.

You would need a list of scenes that could be randomly gone to and when you click the next button, you could use math.random() to select the scene name to go to and then go to that scene.


Hi Rob,

Thanks for taking the time to respond. Much appreciated.

Regards Bob