react touch event

Hello good people,

Can somebody help me please with react touch event for mobile and tablet views.

I have implemented Input number component im my app and looks like this:

render() {

const upHandler = (<div className=“upHandler” ></div>);

    const downHandler = (<div className=“downHandler”></div>);

return (






upHandler and downHanlers add a divs which are up and down arrows. However, when I open website on  y smartphone( iOS or Android) arrows are not increasing/decreasing values of an input filed on hold. They do when app is opened in desktop/laptop mode. So, touch events are not working at all. I have tried many things like npm react-holdable and simliar but nothing seems to be working.

Do you have any ideas on how to make up and down arrows increase/decrease values when application is opened with smartphone or tablet?

Thank you very much

Hi @ipettrovic and welcome to the Corona Labs community forums. Our forums are for developers using Corona to make apps and games. This post doesn’t seem to be about Corona. You appear to be using ReactJS, which isn’t a technology you’re going to find much help for here.

Please consider finding an alternate forum to ask this question in.

If you want to use Corona ( to make apps, I highly encourage you to consider it!.


Hi Rob,

Thank you for your answer. I apologize for this mistake, I checked the link you provided and I see what it is about :slight_smile:

Please delete my post. Also, I will consider using Corona, it seems interesting.

All the best!

Hi @ipettrovic and welcome to the Corona Labs community forums. Our forums are for developers using Corona to make apps and games. This post doesn’t seem to be about Corona. You appear to be using ReactJS, which isn’t a technology you’re going to find much help for here.

Please consider finding an alternate forum to ask this question in.

If you want to use Corona ( to make apps, I highly encourage you to consider it!.


Hi Rob,

Thank you for your answer. I apologize for this mistake, I checked the link you provided and I see what it is about :slight_smile:

Please delete my post. Also, I will consider using Corona, it seems interesting.

All the best!