Another question, i used the sample code, works fins, printing the contents on console.
But i can´t put in a variable, so i can “decode” or “filter” it on other part of the program.
why?? The event.response is what?
if i put somethig like
text=event.response the variable text is null outside the function, even if i make it global…
Thanks in advance.
– The following sample code contacts Google’s encrypted search over SSL
– and prints the response (in this case, the HTML source of the home page)
– to the Corona terminal.
local function networkListener( event )
if ( event.isError ) then
print( "Network error: ", event.response )
print ( "RESPONSE: " … event.response )
– Access Google over SSL:
network.request( “https://encrypted.google.com”, “GET”, networkListener )