Hi all, wonder if anyone can do me a favour?
I’ve been trying to get a response from Mike Dogan at X-pressive for over a year. I bought PC in good faith in 2013, but have since let the email (and associated domain) expire, so I’ve been unable to get the updates.
I sent an email to X-pressive explaining this and they asked me to send my purchase information, so they could check their records and send me a new download link.
I’m not one to moan, I’m really not, but this was a year ago and they keep ignoring me.
Would anyone be able to let me have a copy of the latest version? I could really use some of the new code within my game. My proof of purchase is below, should anyone from X-Pressive wish to check it’s validity.
Thanks. If anyone could help, that’d be great:
Original Paypal email: mark@arworx.com
My order details are: Unique Transaction ID7TM56597HJ812570U
Item Title: Particle Candy for Corona
Item Number: 300421956
Date: 28 Jan 2013
Time: 00:18:42 GMT
Status: Completed