after having an issue with missing CoreText in 2744 build I went through recent release notes and found quite a lot of comments about build process.
Is there anything I should update in my apps to reflect those changes? Is there anything special to them? I use a custom build system, where corona enterprise builds are only a part of the whole thing, if there’s anything, please let me/us know.
Also, with 2750 I get this when trying to build:
"\_GCControllerDidConnectNotification", referenced from: [15:21:30][Step 1/1] -[MFIControllerListener start] in libplayer.a(Rtt\_IPhoneInputDeviceManager.o) [15:21:30][Step 1/1] "\_GCControllerDidDisconnectNotification", referenced from: [15:21:30][Step 1/1] -[MFIControllerListener start] in libplayer.a(Rtt\_IPhoneInputDeviceManager.o) [15:21:30][Step 1/1] "\_OBJC\_CLASS\_$\_GCController", referenced from: [15:21:30][Step 1/1] objc-class-ref in libplayer.a(Rtt\_IPhoneInputDeviceManager.o)
Error is kind of weird, I don’t use any input controllers in any of my games.
Is it a requirement now to add Game Controller framework to the project?
actually no, I’ve tried adding it, but ended up with this:
[15:37:28] duplicate symbol \_llvm.cmdline in: [15:37:28] /Users/krystian/tools/buildAgent/work/591896bdef2dd3a0/App/ios/CoronaEnterprise/Corona/ios/lib/libplayer.a(Rtt\_CommandBuffer.o) [15:37:28] /Users/krystian/tools/buildAgent/work/591896bdef2dd3a0/App/ios/CoronaEnterprise/Corona/ios/lib/libplayer.a(Rtt\_CPUResource.o) [15:37:28] duplicate symbol \_llvm.embedded.module in: [15:37:28] /Users/krystian/tools/buildAgent/work/591896bdef2dd3a0/App/ios/CoronaEnterprise/Corona/ios/lib/libplayer.a(Rtt\_CommandBuffer.o) [15:37:28] /Users/krystian/tools/buildAgent/work/591896bdef2dd3a0/App/ios/CoronaEnterprise/Corona/ios/lib/libplayer.a(Rtt\_CPUResource.o)
and so on and son on…