recursive timer - performWithDelay

Hi All,

requirement -
I want a function to be called after 10sec of the game start and it should be called every second repeatedly.

I tried following way, but its not working…

local function drawRectangleWrapper()
print ("Started wrapper after 10 seconds F militent ")
local function drawRectangle ()
print ("Drawing Rectangle… ")
timer.performWithDelay( 1000, drawRectangle(), 0 )


timer.performWithDelay( 10000, drawRectangleWrapper(), 1 )

Suggest me the best way as it will be called time…

Thanks in advance…

Sudheer [import]uid: 50443 topic_id: 30536 reply_id: 330536[/import]

remove the () from the function you pass to performWithDelay. it should be:

local function drawRectangleWrapper()  
 print ("Started wrapper after 10 seconds F militent ")  
 local function drawRectangle ()  
 print ("Drawing Rectangle.. ")  
 timer.performWithDelay( 1000, drawRectangle, 0 )  
timer.performWithDelay( 10000, drawRectangleWrapper, 1 )  

When you put the extra “()” it tells lua to execute the function and pass it’s return value to performWithDelay. Your functions both return nothing (=nil) so perform with delay doesn’t call anything.

Instead what you want is to pass the actual pointer of the function to performWithDelay so later it can call it…

This is a common typo…
PS, when submitting a code snippet it’s best to wrap it withing a <code> tag so it gets a fixed width font and syntax coloring… much easier to read your code and help out :slight_smile:
[import]uid: 80469 topic_id: 30536 reply_id: 122339[/import]

remove the () from the function you pass to performWithDelay. it should be:

local function drawRectangleWrapper()  
 print ("Started wrapper after 10 seconds F militent ")  
 local function drawRectangle ()  
 print ("Drawing Rectangle.. ")  
 timer.performWithDelay( 1000, drawRectangle, 0 )  
timer.performWithDelay( 10000, drawRectangleWrapper, 1 )  

When you put the extra “()” it tells lua to execute the function and pass it’s return value to performWithDelay. Your functions both return nothing (=nil) so perform with delay doesn’t call anything.

Instead what you want is to pass the actual pointer of the function to performWithDelay so later it can call it…

This is a common typo…
PS, when submitting a code snippet it’s best to wrap it withing a <code> tag so it gets a fixed width font and syntax coloring… much easier to read your code and help out :slight_smile:
[import]uid: 80469 topic_id: 30536 reply_id: 122339[/import]