A similar core would be great!!
I find that whenever I choose to use the transition API’s it’s a sort of “style” of coding and I like to stay in the rhythm of it’s syntax instead of mixing in “enterFrame listeners” or “timer.performWithDelay”. When you guys are ready to expose OpenGL blur, shadow, glow, and various blend modes your transition library will be a great syntax for making it easy to work with those features.
I also make frequent use of these features…
2.)“allTo” (targets:Array, duration:Number, vars:Object, stagger:Number = 0, onCompleteAll:Function = null, onCompleteAllParams:Array = null) Tween multiple objects to the same end values.
a.) “allFrom” Exactly the same as TweenMax.allTo(), but instead of tweening the properties from where they’re at currently to whatever you define, this tweens them the opposite way - from where you define TO where ever they are when the tweens begin
b.) “allFromTo” Tweens multiple targets from a common set of starting values to a common set of ending values; exactly the same as TweenMax.allTo(), but adds the ability to define the starting values.
3.) “delayedCall” - handy syntax, as a companion to “timer.performWithDelay” but for the transition API?
4.) “frame” Tweens a MovieClip (or spritesheet) to a particular frame number.
5.) “volume” Tweens the volume of an object with a soundTransform property (MovieClip/SoundChannel/NetStream, etc.).
[import]uid: 5339 topic_id: 3504 reply_id: 11573[/import]