Remote JSON table to Tableview Code [PAID]

Hello Corona Developers!

I am in need of code help with creating a Tableview from remote JSON data. 

This will be a paid quick code project that i will pay via Paypal.

Please contact me at:

Here is what i need modified…

I have a JSON data table online, i need to download that info into Corona, then, create/populate a tableview with specified key/items from the data to show.

I need the item (ex:  first item is “1046”) along with “message” value to show in the tableview.

Here is the data contained in the json file:

{ "1046":{"date":"September 08, 18","message":"test","pin":"9117","recipient":"test","status":"sent"}, "1048":{"date":"September 03, 18","message":"another testing for the srver.","pin":"1300","recipient":"Usertest", "status":"sent"}, "1057":{"date":"September 05, 18","message":"test","pin":"1097","recipient":"test","status":"sent"}, "1059":{"date":"September 1, 18","message":"testeeec","pin":"2845","recipient":"testet","status":"sent"}, "1060":{"date":"September 03, 18","message":"dfdsfafda","pin":"7303","recipient":"fred","status":"sent"}, "1061":{"date":"September 09, 18","message":"Test","pin":"1010","recipient":"Tester","status":"sent"} }

and here is the code i have so far. alot of the functionality already works so there wont be too much new code to add.

--SETUP THE TABLEVIEW!!!!! function createTable() local ox, oy = math.abs(display.screenOriginX), math.abs(display.screenOriginY) -- Set color variables depending on theme local tableViewColors = { rowColor = { default = { 60/255, 60/255, 200/255 }, over = { 60/255, 60/255, 250/255 }}, lineColor = { 255/255 }, catColor = { default = { 80/255, 80/255, 255/255, 0.9 }, over = { 80/255, 80/255, 80/255, 0.9 } }, defaultLabelColor = { 1, 1, 1, 1 }, catLabelColor = { 1 } local tableView -- Text to show which item we selected local itemSelected = display.newText( "User selected: ", 0, 0, native.systemFont, 22 ) itemSelected:setFillColor( unpack(tableViewColors.catLabelColor) ) itemSelected.x = display.contentWidth+itemSelected.contentWidth itemSelected.y = display.contentCenterY sceneGroup:insert( itemSelected ) -- Function to return to the tableView local function goBack( event ) tableView, { x=display.contentWidth\*0.5, time=600, transition=easing.outQuint } ) itemSelected, { x=display.contentWidth+itemSelected.contentWidth, time=600, transition=easing.outQuint } ), {, time=480, transition=easing.outQuint } ) end -- Back button local backButton = widget.newButton { width = 128, height = 60, label = "Back To Tableview", onRelease = goBack } backButton.x = display.contentWidth+backButton.contentWidth backButton.y = itemSelected.y+itemSelected.contentHeight+16 sceneGroup:insert( backButton ) -- Listen for tableView events local function tableViewListener( event ) local phase = event.phase --print( "Event.phase is:", event.phase ) end ----- Handle row rendering function onRowRender( event ) local phase = event.phase local row = event.row local groupContentHeight = row.contentHeight local message = display.newText( row, "Message: " .. row.index, 0, 0, "LeagueGothic", 28 ) message.x = 10 message.anchorX = 0 message.y = 25 message:setFillColor( unpack(row.params.defaultLabelColor) ) end -- Handle row updates local function onRowUpdate( event ) local phase = event.phase local row = event.row --print( row.index, ": is now onscreen" ) end -- Handle touches on the row local function onRowTouch( event ) local phase = event.phase local row = if ( "release" == phase ) or ( "tap" == phase )then itemSelected.text = "User selected: " .. row.index tableView, { x=((display.contentWidth/2)+ox+ox)\*-1, time=600, transition=easing.outQuint } ) itemSelected, { x=display.contentCenterX, time=600, transition=easing.outQuint } ) backButton, { x=display.contentCenterX, time=750, transition=easing.outQuint } ) end end -------- Create a tableView --------------------- tableView = widget.newTableView { top = 180-oy, left = -ox, width = display.contentWidth+ox+ox, height = 420, hideBackground = true, listener = tableViewListener, onRowRender = onRowRender, onRowUpdate = onRowUpdate, onRowTouch = onRowTouch, } sceneGroup:insert( tableView ) -- Create Rows for k, v in pairs(user) do local isCategory = false local rowHeight = 80 local rowColor = { default = tableViewColors.rowColor.default, over = tableViewColors.rowColor.over, } -- Insert the row into the tableView tableView:insertRow { isCategory = isCategory, rowHeight = rowHeight, rowColor = rowColor, lineColor = tableViewColors.lineColor, params = { defaultLabelColor=tableViewColors.defaultLabelColor, catLabelColor=tableViewColors.catLabelColor } } end end --createTable() --DOWNLOAD THE DATA!!!!! local jsonFile = function( filename, base ) if not base then base = system.ResourceDirectory; end local path = system.pathForFile( filename, base ) local contents -- opens a file at path. returns nil if no file found local file = path, "r" ) if file then -- read all contents of file into a string contents = file:read( "\*a" ) io.close( file ) -- close the file after using it end return contents end function networkListener( event ) if ( event.isError ) then print( "Network error!") else user = json.decode( event.response ) -- Go through the array in a loop for k, v in pairs(user) do print("Message ID: "..k) end timer.performWithDelay( 2000, createTable ) end end local json\_file\_by\_get = jsonFile( network.request( "https://linktothejsonfile......", "GET", networkListener ) )

Please let me know if you can fix this and we’ll discuss pricing/pay!

This should get you going.

 -- jsonFileDownload.lua --[[] --json file on server { "1046":{"date":"September 08, 18","message":"test","pin":"9117","recipient":"test","status":"sent"}, "1048":{"date":"September 03, 18","message":"another testing for the srver.","pin":"1300","recipient":"Usertest", "status":"sent"}, "1057":{"date":"September 05, 18","message":"test","pin":"1097","recipient":"test","status":"sent"}, "1059":{"date":"September 1, 18","message":"testeeec","pin":"2845","recipient":"testet","status":"sent"}, "1060":{"date":"September 03, 18","message":"dfdsfafda","pin":"7303","recipient":"fred","status":"sent"}, "1061":{"date":"September 09, 18","message":"Test","pin":"1010","recipient":"Tester","status":"sent"} } --]] --local PT = require("printReadableTables") local widget = require("widget") local M = {} M.k = "Void" local sceneGroup = display.newGroup() local user = {} --and here is the code i have so far. alot of the functionality already works so there wont be too much new code to add. --SETUP THE TABLEVIEW!!!!! function createTable() local ox, oy = math.abs(display.screenOriginX), math.abs(display.screenOriginY) -- Set color variables depending on theme local tableViewColors = { rowColor = { default = { 60/255, 60/255, 200/255 }, over = { 60/255, 60/255, 250/255 }}, lineColor = { 255/255 }, catColor = { default = { 80/255, 80/255, 255/255, 0.9 }, over = { 80/255, 80/255, 80/255, 0.9 } }, defaultLabelColor = { 1, 1, 1, 1 }, catLabelColor = { 1 }, } local tableView -- Text to show which item we selected local itemSelected = display.newText( "User selected: ", 0, 0, native.systemFont, 22 ) itemSelected:setFillColor( unpack(tableViewColors.catLabelColor) ) itemSelected.x = display.contentWidth+itemSelected.contentWidth itemSelected.y = display.contentCenterY sceneGroup:insert( itemSelected ) -- Function to return to the tableView local function goBack( event ) tableView, { x=display.contentWidth\*0.5, time=600, transition=easing.outQuint } ) itemSelected, { x=display.contentWidth+itemSelected.contentWidth, time=600, transition=easing.outQuint } ), {, time=480, transition=easing.outQuint } ) end -- Back button local backButton = widget.newButton { width = 128, height = 60, label = "Back To Tableview", onRelease = goBack } backButton.x = display.contentWidth+backButton.contentWidth backButton.y = itemSelected.y+itemSelected.contentHeight+16 sceneGroup:insert( backButton ) -- Listen for tableView events local function tableViewListener( event ) local phase = event.phase --print( "Event.phase is:", event.phase ) end ----- Handle row rendering local function onRowRender( event ) local phase = event.phase local row = event.row local groupContentHeight = row.contentHeight --[[] local message = display.newText( row, "Message: " .. row.index, 0, 0, "LeagueGothic", 28 ) message.x = 10 message.anchorX = 0 message.y = 25 message:setFillColor( unpack(row.params.defaultLabelColor) ) --]] local message = display.newText( row, "Message "..M.k..": " ..user[M.k].message, 0, 0, "LeagueGothic", 28 ) message.x = 10 message.anchorX = 0 message.y = 25 message:setFillColor( unpack(row.params.defaultLabelColor) ) end -- Handle row updates local function onRowUpdate( event ) local phase = event.phase local row = event.row --print( row.index, ": is now onscreen" ) end -- Handle touches on the row local function onRowTouch( event ) local phase = event.phase local row = if ( "release" == phase ) or ( "tap" == phase )then itemSelected.text = "User selected: " .. row.index tableView, { x=((display.contentWidth/2)+ox+ox)\*-1, time=600, transition=easing.outQuint } ) itemSelected, { x=display.contentCenterX, time=600, transition=easing.outQuint } ) backButton, { x=display.contentCenterX, time=750, transition=easing.outQuint } ) end end -------- Create a tableView --------------------- tableView = widget.newTableView { top = 180-oy, left = -ox, width = display.contentWidth+ox+ox, height = 420, hideBackground = true, listener = tableViewListener, onRowRender = onRowRender, onRowUpdate = onRowUpdate, onRowTouch = onRowTouch, } sceneGroup:insert( tableView ) -- Create Rows for k, v in pairs(user) do M.k = k local isCategory = false local rowHeight = 80 local rowColor = { default = tableViewColors.rowColor.default, over = tableViewColors.rowColor.over, } -- Insert the row into the tableView tableView:insertRow { isCategory = isCategory, rowHeight = rowHeight, rowColor = rowColor, lineColor = tableViewColors.lineColor, params = { defaultLabelColor=tableViewColors.defaultLabelColor, catLabelColor=tableViewColors.catLabelColor } } end end --createTable() --DOWNLOAD THE DATA!!!!! local jsonFile = function( filename, base ) if not base then base = system.ResourceDirectory; end local path = system.pathForFile( filename, base ) local contents -- opens a file at path. returns nil if no file found local file = path, "r" ) if file then -- read all contents of file into a string contents = file:read( "\*a" ) io.close( file ) -- close the file after using it end return contents end function networkListener( event ) print("networkListener is called") if ( event.isError ) then print( "Network error!") else user = nil user = json.decode( event.response ) -- Go through the array in a loop -- print("user table prints below") -- PT.print\_r(user) -- print("") for k, v in pairs(user) do print("Message ID: "..k) end timer.performWithDelay( 2000, createTable ) end end function M.getJsonFile() print("M.getJsonFile() is called") local link = "" local json\_file\_by\_get = jsonFile( network.request( "https://linktothejsonfile......", "GET", networkListener ) ) -- local json\_file\_by\_get = jsonFile( network.request( link, "GET", networkListener ) ) end --I called this function from my main.lua M.getJsonFile() return M

M.k references the table key as you iterate over your table so you can get whatever you want and insert it where ever you need.

Hope this helps,


This should get you going.

 -- jsonFileDownload.lua --[[] --json file on server { "1046":{"date":"September 08, 18","message":"test","pin":"9117","recipient":"test","status":"sent"}, "1048":{"date":"September 03, 18","message":"another testing for the srver.","pin":"1300","recipient":"Usertest", "status":"sent"}, "1057":{"date":"September 05, 18","message":"test","pin":"1097","recipient":"test","status":"sent"}, "1059":{"date":"September 1, 18","message":"testeeec","pin":"2845","recipient":"testet","status":"sent"}, "1060":{"date":"September 03, 18","message":"dfdsfafda","pin":"7303","recipient":"fred","status":"sent"}, "1061":{"date":"September 09, 18","message":"Test","pin":"1010","recipient":"Tester","status":"sent"} } --]] --local PT = require("printReadableTables") local widget = require("widget") local M = {} M.k = "Void" local sceneGroup = display.newGroup() local user = {} --and here is the code i have so far. alot of the functionality already works so there wont be too much new code to add. --SETUP THE TABLEVIEW!!!!! function createTable() local ox, oy = math.abs(display.screenOriginX), math.abs(display.screenOriginY) -- Set color variables depending on theme local tableViewColors = { rowColor = { default = { 60/255, 60/255, 200/255 }, over = { 60/255, 60/255, 250/255 }}, lineColor = { 255/255 }, catColor = { default = { 80/255, 80/255, 255/255, 0.9 }, over = { 80/255, 80/255, 80/255, 0.9 } }, defaultLabelColor = { 1, 1, 1, 1 }, catLabelColor = { 1 }, } local tableView -- Text to show which item we selected local itemSelected = display.newText( "User selected: ", 0, 0, native.systemFont, 22 ) itemSelected:setFillColor( unpack(tableViewColors.catLabelColor) ) itemSelected.x = display.contentWidth+itemSelected.contentWidth itemSelected.y = display.contentCenterY sceneGroup:insert( itemSelected ) -- Function to return to the tableView local function goBack( event ) tableView, { x=display.contentWidth\*0.5, time=600, transition=easing.outQuint } ) itemSelected, { x=display.contentWidth+itemSelected.contentWidth, time=600, transition=easing.outQuint } ), {, time=480, transition=easing.outQuint } ) end -- Back button local backButton = widget.newButton { width = 128, height = 60, label = "Back To Tableview", onRelease = goBack } backButton.x = display.contentWidth+backButton.contentWidth backButton.y = itemSelected.y+itemSelected.contentHeight+16 sceneGroup:insert( backButton ) -- Listen for tableView events local function tableViewListener( event ) local phase = event.phase --print( "Event.phase is:", event.phase ) end ----- Handle row rendering local function onRowRender( event ) local phase = event.phase local row = event.row local groupContentHeight = row.contentHeight --[[] local message = display.newText( row, "Message: " .. row.index, 0, 0, "LeagueGothic", 28 ) message.x = 10 message.anchorX = 0 message.y = 25 message:setFillColor( unpack(row.params.defaultLabelColor) ) --]] local message = display.newText( row, "Message "..M.k..": " ..user[M.k].message, 0, 0, "LeagueGothic", 28 ) message.x = 10 message.anchorX = 0 message.y = 25 message:setFillColor( unpack(row.params.defaultLabelColor) ) end -- Handle row updates local function onRowUpdate( event ) local phase = event.phase local row = event.row --print( row.index, ": is now onscreen" ) end -- Handle touches on the row local function onRowTouch( event ) local phase = event.phase local row = if ( "release" == phase ) or ( "tap" == phase )then itemSelected.text = "User selected: " .. row.index tableView, { x=((display.contentWidth/2)+ox+ox)\*-1, time=600, transition=easing.outQuint } ) itemSelected, { x=display.contentCenterX, time=600, transition=easing.outQuint } ) backButton, { x=display.contentCenterX, time=750, transition=easing.outQuint } ) end end -------- Create a tableView --------------------- tableView = widget.newTableView { top = 180-oy, left = -ox, width = display.contentWidth+ox+ox, height = 420, hideBackground = true, listener = tableViewListener, onRowRender = onRowRender, onRowUpdate = onRowUpdate, onRowTouch = onRowTouch, } sceneGroup:insert( tableView ) -- Create Rows for k, v in pairs(user) do M.k = k local isCategory = false local rowHeight = 80 local rowColor = { default = tableViewColors.rowColor.default, over = tableViewColors.rowColor.over, } -- Insert the row into the tableView tableView:insertRow { isCategory = isCategory, rowHeight = rowHeight, rowColor = rowColor, lineColor = tableViewColors.lineColor, params = { defaultLabelColor=tableViewColors.defaultLabelColor, catLabelColor=tableViewColors.catLabelColor } } end end --createTable() --DOWNLOAD THE DATA!!!!! local jsonFile = function( filename, base ) if not base then base = system.ResourceDirectory; end local path = system.pathForFile( filename, base ) local contents -- opens a file at path. returns nil if no file found local file = path, "r" ) if file then -- read all contents of file into a string contents = file:read( "\*a" ) io.close( file ) -- close the file after using it end return contents end function networkListener( event ) print("networkListener is called") if ( event.isError ) then print( "Network error!") else user = nil user = json.decode( event.response ) -- Go through the array in a loop -- print("user table prints below") -- PT.print\_r(user) -- print("") for k, v in pairs(user) do print("Message ID: "..k) end timer.performWithDelay( 2000, createTable ) end end function M.getJsonFile() print("M.getJsonFile() is called") local link = "" local json\_file\_by\_get = jsonFile( network.request( "https://linktothejsonfile......", "GET", networkListener ) ) -- local json\_file\_by\_get = jsonFile( network.request( link, "GET", networkListener ) ) end --I called this function from my main.lua M.getJsonFile() return M

M.k references the table key as you iterate over your table so you can get whatever you want and insert it where ever you need.

Hope this helps,
