Remove picture

Hello everyone,

I’m building an app which is meant for educational puropses. At some point, the students need to take a picture. When they are done, they can press a button. When the button is pressed, the scene changes. I find myself unable to delete the taken picture. Has anyone got any ideas? Here is my code:

----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- scene2.lua -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- local storyboard = require( "storyboard" ) local widget = require "widget" local scene = storyboard.newScene() local function returnHome() storyboard.gotoScene( "splash", "crossFade", 1000 ) return true end function scene:createScene( event ) local group = self.view local centerX = display.contentCenterX local centerY = display.contentCenterY local \_W = display.contentWidth local \_H = display.contentHeight local isXcodeSimulator = "iPhone Simulator" == system.getInfo("model") if (isXcodeSimulator) then local alert = native.showAlert( "Information", "Camera API not available on iOS Simulator.", { "OK"}) end local bkgd = display.newImage("foto\_but.png") bkgd.x = 117 bkgd.y = 565 local sessionComplete = function(event) local image = print( "Camera ", ( image and "returned an image" ) or "session was cancelled" ) print( "event name: " .. ) print( "target: " .. tostring( image ) ) if image then image.x = 765 image.y = 395 image:scale( 0.4, 0.4 ) local w = image.width local h = image.height print( "w,h = ".. w .."," .. h ) end end local listener = function( event ) if media.hasSource( media.Camera ) then media.capturePhoto( { listener = sessionComplete } ) else native.showAlert("Corona", "Camera not found.") end return true end bkgd:addEventListener( "tap", listener ) local background = display.newImage("workscreen.png") background.x = display.contentWidth/2 background.y = display.contentHeight/2 appicon = widget.newButton{ defaultFile="klaar\_but.png", onRelease = returnHome } appicon.x = 117 appicon.y = 650 group:insert ( background ) group:insert ( appicon ) group:insert ( bkgd ) if image then group:insert ( image ) end end function scene:enterScene( event ) local group = self.view end function scene:exitScene( event ) local group = self.view end function scene:destroyScene( event ) local group = self.view if appicon then appicon:removeSelf() appicon = nil end end scene:addEventListener( "createScene", scene ) scene:addEventListener( "enterScene", scene ) scene:addEventListener( "exitScene", scene ) scene:addEventListener( "destroyScene", scene ) return scene

Thanks in advance!

Hi @rikben,

It appears that you’re not inserting the image into the scene’s group at the proper time. You should insert it inside the “sessionComplete” function, after you conditionally check that it exists. That way, it should be placed properly in the scene’s group, and when you remove the scene, it should be discarded along with the other display objects in that scene view.

Hope this helps,


Thanks, that worked great!

Hi @rikben,

It appears that you’re not inserting the image into the scene’s group at the proper time. You should insert it inside the “sessionComplete” function, after you conditionally check that it exists. That way, it should be placed properly in the scene’s group, and when you remove the scene, it should be discarded along with the other display objects in that scene view.

Hope this helps,


Thanks, that worked great!