Remove Tab bar


can you help me please, I am new to lua and Corona SDK, I’ve downloaded the business app sample master, and I just want to remove the tab bar on the main scene, I would like just to use the buttons on the main page, 

another thing, how can I replace buttons with images ?

Appreciate your cooperation 


Hi @alzawadhadi,

Welcome to Corona! Before you begin adjusting the business app sample, I suggest that you learn some basics about Corona and Lua. One place to begin is at Corona University where you can find many guides, tutorials, and videos about the SDK:

Best regards,

Brent Sorrentino

Hi @alzawadhadi,

Welcome to Corona! Before you begin adjusting the business app sample, I suggest that you learn some basics about Corona and Lua. One place to begin is at Corona University where you can find many guides, tutorials, and videos about the SDK:

Best regards,

Brent Sorrentino