Removing and niling locals in storyboard?


I would like to know what should I nil and remove by myself and what I can leave that won’t cause any memory leaks?

I know those 2 pages but I need reassurance from someone.

local screenW, screenH, halfW, halfH  
local dragging  
local p0\_moveGroup  
local UIGroup  
local graphic  
local ui  
function scene:createScene( event )  
 local group = self.view  
 screenW, screenH = display.contentWidth, display.contentHeight  
 halfW, halfH = display.contentWidth\*0.5, display.contentHeight\*0.5  
 dragging = false  
 p0\_moveGroup = display.newGroup()  
 UIGroup = display.newGroup()  
 graphic = {kath, ...,a lot of others}  
 ui = {nameK, ..., a lot of others}  
 graphic.kathG = display.newImageRect( p0\_moveGroup, "street/kathG.png",227,256);   
 graphic.kathG.y = halfH  
 ui.nameK = display.newText(UIGroup, "Kath", 0, 0, "Munro", 12 )  
 ui.nameK:setReferencePoint( display.CenterReferencePoint )  
 ui.nameK.x = 3\*halfW  
 ui.nameK.y = 3\*halfH  
 ui.nameK:setTextColor( 255, 255, 255 )  
 ui.nameK.alpha = 0   
function scene:enterScene( event )  
 local group = self.view  
 function moveCamera( event )  
 if ( event.phase == "began" ) then  
 local somethingX = event.x  
 dragging = true  
 p0\_moveGroup.x0 = event.x - p0\_moveGroup.x  
 p0\_moveGroup.y0 = event.y - p0\_moveGroup.y  

I know that everything I insert into a “group” will be removed but do I have to do something with all other variables i.e nil “dragging”, “somethingX” or remove objects and nil “p0_moveGroup”, “UIGroup”, “graphic” and “ui” tables?

Thanks [import]uid: 117071 topic_id: 35738 reply_id: 335738[/import]

p0_moveGroup and UIGroup should be cleaned up by storyboard.

dragging, graphic and ui will remain in memory until the module is unloaded with the storyboard.removeScene() call or the lua way to unrequire the module. However, if you re-enter the scene, it won’t use any more memory. You don’t need to worry about those.
[import]uid: 199310 topic_id: 35738 reply_id: 142143[/import]

That’s a relief thanks for the fast response :slight_smile: [import]uid: 117071 topic_id: 35738 reply_id: 142149[/import]

p0_moveGroup and UIGroup should be cleaned up by storyboard.

dragging, graphic and ui will remain in memory until the module is unloaded with the storyboard.removeScene() call or the lua way to unrequire the module. However, if you re-enter the scene, it won’t use any more memory. You don’t need to worry about those.
[import]uid: 199310 topic_id: 35738 reply_id: 142143[/import]

That’s a relief thanks for the fast response :slight_smile: [import]uid: 117071 topic_id: 35738 reply_id: 142149[/import]


how is graphic and ui removed? they seem to be local to this file and not part of the scene? I mean since they are not added to any groups…


how is graphic and ui removed? they seem to be local to this file and not part of the scene? I mean since they are not added to any groups…