Repositioning a Tile / Getting Tile

I am new to Lime and this is probably an extremely silly question, but I am having trouble getting the tile reference. Basically, I want to get the collision between two objects (player and hazard), and reposition one of the objects (the player). I have the logic set up and I’ve gotten the collision down, but I don’t know how to reposition the player.

I know from looking at the Lime API that slideToPosition() will probably work, but that requires me knowing the Tile reference (i.e., tilename:slideToPosition(…) ). I tried grabbing the initial player position from Tiled by doing the following:

[lua]local position = { row = 1, column = 1 } --This is the position given to me in Tiled where I placed the player
local someTile = map:getTileAt(position, false)


However, map:getTileAt() is giving me nil. Any suggestions?

[import]uid: 52208 topic_id: 27942 reply_id: 327942[/import]

Well, another possibility for me is to reload the scene using storyboard. I run into lots of problems with this, though. Does Lime play well with Storyboard?

I tried doing storyboard.reloadScene() and got a nil reference error (I’ll provide the exact error message later). I want to reload the scene whenever the player dies to put them back at the beginning of the level. Because that didn’t work, I tried doing gotoScene(“menu”) when the player dies, and then do gotoScene(“level1”). However, when I do that, the old scene is still there and the player is still in the position where they died (even if I do a purgeScene).

Should I just abandon storyboard and try director instead?
[import]uid: 52208 topic_id: 27942 reply_id: 113360[/import]