I agree this would be handy. I’m in the middle of porting a project, and seem to be constantly finding that various things don’t work. Here are the things I’ve found so far, but anyone can feel free to correct me if I’m wrong:
- All ad networks***
- In App Purchases*** (I’m aware that another user has provided an IAP sample project.)
- Facebook***
- GameNetwork (Is Windows Live a possibility?)
- Native.newTextField
- display.save/capture/captureBounds/captureScreen/colorSample
- Webview
- Analytics
- Gamethrive plugin
- Carrot plugin
- OpenSSL plugin- I’d say this is fairly critical for anyone who stores a user’s facebook id/password etc on their server.
In my opinion the 3 that I’ve marked with *** are super important these days, so if anyone out there has already come up with a workaround for these I know I for one would appreciate any sample projects that use them.