Request ignored. You didn't specify 'banner' in supportedAdTypes during init()

Does anyone have any info about this error?
The appodeal banner AD does not reappear only on android. (Everything works fine on iPhone.)

adb logcat Corona:v *:s
I Corona  : ERROR: appodeal.load(adUnitType [, options ]), Request ignored. You didn't specify 'banner' in supportedAdTypes during init()

In my case, It happened while switching to below sequence. “banner” ) → (work fine) → appodeal.hide( “banner” ) → (work fine) → “banner” ) → (above ERROR)

It seems to happen on certain Android devices.
So I can’t find the clear cause and I’m confused.

appodeal.init( adListener, { appKey="...", disableAutoCacheForAdTypes={"rewardedVideo"}, supportedAdTypes={"banner", "interstitial", "rewardedVideo"} } )
-- "interstitial" and "rewardedVideo" are always works fine.

Solar2D 2021.3653


Same error. If you were able to fix it, please write