Does anyone have any info about this error?
The appodeal banner AD does not reappear only on android. (Everything works fine on iPhone.)
adb logcat Corona:v *:s
I Corona : ERROR: appodeal.load(adUnitType [, options ]), Request ignored. You didn't specify 'banner' in supportedAdTypes during init()
In my case, It happened while switching to below sequence. “banner” ) → (work fine) → appodeal.hide( “banner” ) → (work fine) → “banner” ) → (above ERROR)
It seems to happen on certain Android devices.
So I can’t find the clear cause and I’m confused.
appodeal.init( adListener, { appKey="...", disableAutoCacheForAdTypes={"rewardedVideo"}, supportedAdTypes={"banner", "interstitial", "rewardedVideo"} } )
-- "interstitial" and "rewardedVideo" are always works fine.
Solar2D 2021.3653