Reset a for loop?

I have a for loop which is supposed to check a value against the value of every other value in a display group. If the values match the current one must generate a new value and then check itself against them all again. Now my problem is once I find a matching number how can I reset the loop so that it starts at the beginning again to check the new value against all children of the group. I tried doing this:
[lua]for i = 1, neutralGroup.numChildren do
local child = neutralGroup[i]
if(current.value == child.value) then
current.value = math.random(1,96)
i = 1
which doesn’t actually reset the loop.
Is there any way to do this in lua? [import]uid: 69531 topic_id: 12784 reply_id: 312784[/import]

Just put it all inside a function :wink:


function checkValue()

for i = 1, neutralGroup.numChildren do
local child = neutralGroup[i]
if(current.value == child.value) then
current.value = math.random(1,96)
i = 1


–When you want to start the loop again simply just call the function:


[/code] [import]uid: 24111 topic_id: 12784 reply_id: 46848[/import]

why so serious?

c [import]uid: 24 topic_id: 12784 reply_id: 46858[/import]

Cause I can

:slight_smile: [import]uid: 24111 topic_id: 12784 reply_id: 46860[/import]