Thank you so much, @dchan. I appreciate it. gamecenter.request(“removeMatch”) sounds like a handy API to use.
I’m now wondering if gamecenter.request(“removeMatch”) is intended for dev/test purposes… or if most games remove the finished matches from GC after the result of the match is viewed by all players involved.
I was going to keep all game results left in GC list (meaning, not removing any match results) – and allow users to tap on any of the games played in the past and see its result. But I can imagine some players’ list of games played may grow huge (easily 100+).
Does Apple recommend limiting the number of completed games to be left there? What is the best practice for handling potentially huge number of completed games piling up?
BTW, on API page ( it says:
removeMatch: Removes the match of the list of matches in Game Center. This should only be called after endMatch has been called
loadMatchData: Removes the match of the list of matches in Game Center. This should only be called after endMatch has been called
I think the description for “loadMatchData” needs updating. (Since I didn’t understand what “loadMatchData” does, I chose not to use it in my code…)
Thanks again.