my scrollView widget is not masking properly when i try to scroll drown the text disappear after it passes through the masked part which is ok because thats what i want to do, but when i tried to scroll upward the text did not disappear after it pass thought the masked part how is that happening anyway here are my codes:
local widget = require “widget”
local _W = display.contentWidth
local _H = display.contentHeight
– Create a new ScrollView widget:
local scrollView = widget.newScrollView{ height=200, maskFile=“mask-320x410.png”, top=100, bottom=300 }
scrollView.x = 0; scrollView.y = 200
– Create an object and place it inside of ScrollView:
local t1 = display.newText( “Hello world”, 20, 100, “Helvetica-Bold”, 18 )
t1:setTextColor ( 100, 100, 100 )
scrollView:insert( t1 )
– Place the ScrollView into a group:
local someGroup = display.newGroup()
someGroup:insert( scrollView )[/code]
i tried following this guide but it doesn’t fix the problem
and also this one for creating a mask file
what i want to achieve is the same with this one [import]uid: 189861 topic_id: 33250 reply_id: 333250[/import]