A few days ago I was able to update my apps for android, but today when I tried to made a new build (for any of my apps) I got this error in simulator.
The password for the Key Store located at … was not valid, or the Key Store was not valid.
Nevetheless my key store does not have enough time in order to get invalid.
I unistalled the JDK and installed the new version jdk-8u341-windows-i586.exe and the problem persists
I was able to create the build for this app using the Android Build Automation from Github, so this indicate that the simulator is causing this issue.
I can create builds of apps that have a newly created key store.
I’ve noted that now Solar2D does not recognize my apps because when I open my projects and trying to create their builds, the textfields are filled with the default values. That means that the version code and version name are reseted to 1.0 and 1.0.0 respectively, and the Keystore field is filled with the last valid keystore I used.