Hi. Is there a way i could make a “display.rect” on my menu.lua, come in moving from the right. What I’m exactly trying to do is have my start button coming in from the right and stopping on the center of the screen, while still on menu.lua without switching screens to a different page. Thank you. [import]uid: 132369 topic_id: 28505 reply_id: 328505[/import]
you can do that easily
local start = display.newRect(0,0,120,20) --creates rect
start.x = 160 --sets in the middle of x axis
start.y = -100 – sets 100 pixels to the right of screen
transition.to(start,{time = 1000, delay = 300, x = 160 , y = 240})
there you go
if you need any more help just ask
here’s a link to the transition.to api
[import]uid: 113909 topic_id: 28505 reply_id: 114992[/import]