Retina display and particules images @2x

I just discovered Particle Candy and find it very impressive and easy to use. Logic is realy clear and code very well documented.

Regarding the retina display for iphone 4 and problematic of “image@2x.png” ( cf. imageSuffix = {[“@2x”]=2} in config.lua), I wonder if I have to produce 2 images and how to say it to the code?
Would be fine to read about this subject, thanks.
[import]uid: 8970 topic_id: 7261 reply_id: 307261[/import]

There’s nothing special here. I call the image Properties.imagePath = “myimage.png” then set imageWidth and imageHeight.
I suppose that if I have a 2x myimage.png, corona will call it.

Not sure about that (since to do so in corona you have to call newimagerect and not newimage, and I don’t know what is hidden in PC imagePath) but, anyway, you have nothing to do within your code : it’s included in the lib or not.

Moreover, having hires images for particules is maybe not that needed … [import]uid: 9328 topic_id: 7261 reply_id: 25635[/import]

Particle Candy uses newImageRect() to create particle images, if no animated sprites are used.

However, as Antheor wrote, using hires particles won’t give you any benefits because they are short-living, moving objects and the user won’t notice if they are hires or not. It would also waste additional video memory which could be better used by hires versions of your main actors, for example.

Additionally, in most cases particles should provide a blurry look for best results (when creating smoke, clouds, fire etc.), so you can even use small images and scale them to a bigger size to achieve a nice blurry look. [import]uid: 10504 topic_id: 7261 reply_id: 25662[/import]

That makes sense. Now it’s clear. Thanks for your responses. [import]uid: 8970 topic_id: 7261 reply_id: 25667[/import]