let’s say I am working on Main.lua…
local Properties = require("objectProperties") --///this is all im wrinting so i dont have to post a crazy amount of lines///-- function createObject(id,damage,objectX) local objectName = id (for example "crate") print(Properties.objectName.id) end
local objectProperties = { ------------------------------------------------------------------- crate = {--START OF CRATE id = "crate", stackable = "no", damage = 50, sprite = { imageSheet = "crateImageSheet.png", imageSheetInfo = "crateImageSheet", sequenceData = { default = { start = "crate\_01", count = 1, loopCount= 1 }, destroy = { start = "crate\_01", count = 7, time = 450, loopCount = 1 } } }, physics = { }, },--END OF CRATE end
I am just trying to access the id in objectProperties, and print it inside of Main.lua