RevMob banners are not working on device

Hi guys,

I’m now trying to implement RevMob for my new game, everything works perfectly on the simulator and on Android, but for iOS 7 (with iPad mini) I do not see the adds, from the console I can see that there is no error, I can even see the “Banner loaded” message from RevMob API, but the ads are not displayed.

Does anyone if this is a known issue? I’m using RevMob 5.4.1 with Corona build #2013.1225



I have a similar problem, Clients say that  the game keeps automatically opening a page on safary  in  IOS 7(with IPad mini).

I think the problems are connected



I have a similar problem, Clients say that  the game keeps automatically opening a page on safary  in  IOS 7(with IPad mini).

I think the problems are connected
