Revmob ERROR: network request failed

Good afternoon.

When I start the app with an internet connection, the revmob plugin initializes correctly and if I show an Ad, it is working fine.

When I turn the device into Offline mode and try to request an Ad, I have the following output in the log:

[Device] The Internet connection appears to be offline. - Error Code -1009 [Device] ERROR: network request failed: [-1009: The Internet connection appears to be offline.]

This does not crash the app, but is marked as error in the simulator console.

Maybe the plugin should check for internet before making this call or better handle failed requests.

Or is this not a problem and Apple will approve the App anyway?

So again, to reproduce, you need to inizialize the revmob plugin with an internet connection, then switch it off and try to request an Ad. When starting the App already without internet, there is no problem when requesting the Ad later on.



Hey Felix.

This is a harmless message and you can safely ignore it. It will not affect the function of your app.

Thank you

Hei Danny,

ok, so it is an harmless ERROR message… Yeah, I saw that it didn’t break the app.

So, good, thanks

Hey Felix.

This is a harmless message and you can safely ignore it. It will not affect the function of your app.

Thank you

Hei Danny,

ok, so it is an harmless ERROR message… Yeah, I saw that it didn’t break the app.

So, good, thanks