RevMob for IOS fails, and causes any app submitted including the SDK to fail validation

RevMob for IOS fails Apple’s validation tool, likely due to the SDK (latest version 5.7) still referencing the banned API call for UUID, uniqueIdentifier. Do you guys actually test your API even once?

strings ./Classes/RevMobAds.framework/RevMobAds | grep uniqueIdentifier



Please note this makes RevMob unusable and even worse, requires that it be stripped from apps in order to pass App review. This was a huge PITA to figure out. Please fix ASAP.

Can you elaborate on this? According to the download page (link below), there’s not a version 5.7. Plus, I can’t find ‘uniqueIdentifier’ in the downloaded sdk.

Can you elaborate on this? According to the download page (link below), there’s not a version 5.7. Plus, I can’t find ‘uniqueIdentifier’ in the downloaded sdk.