I have checked with Corona build 2288 and RevMob 5.2.1 and RevMob 5.4.3 and I haven’t had a single interstitial delivered since I started testing (24 hours ago). Android Samsung Galaxy Tab 2 4.2.2. I have contacted RevMob.
revmob.setTestingMode(revmob.TEST_WITH_ADS) works - but no live ads on simulator or device when I remove that line of code.
I have not tested with the latest RevMob SDK 5.5.0 as the readme file has new hurdles to jump through - not worth it imho for an already poorly performing network: http://iphonedevsdk.com/forum/business-legal-app-store/118234-email-from-revmob.html
I think I’ll just stick with AdMob banners and interstitials tbh and leave RevMob out of my Android apps. Incidentally, one of the AdMob interstitials was a short (5 second or so) video - didn’t expect that!
Oh well…