RevMob iOS installs count almost 0 recently

Recently ,the  RevMob ads performance in iOS , getting poor.

After update to latest SDK with daily build have been over 15 days .

daily impressions in iOS over 16K and clicks still keep over 8K as usual

The result is getting worse but not better.  The install rate form 0.5% down to 0.08%

Today I got email form GUI and Jan. They said because Coroan support IDFA too late. They seems no solution for this right now.   :frowning:

yesterday I build 2  Apps (Native iOS and Corona) to test RevMob behavior ,it  seems they still have something can do , But not all Corona problem .

simple result is iPad mini , My iOS install (2 new app install and play) are all no count include Native iOS SDK and Corona SDK .

2. in iPad1 ,they should not show up ads (iOS5 do not support IDFA) , but they still show ads. if user install app , it never count for you, you do a free job ~ :wacko:

  Native iOS sdk do not show ads, but Corona version show ads .

the result as below


1 app build by Native iOS SDK 5.8.0  , the other is Build by Corona with SDK 5.2.1

On 2 Devices  , iPAD1 and iPAD mini

iPAD mini :

  The behavior is almost the same.  their show the same app at same time .

then I install a App “Top stylist” to play via native iOS SDK . and  install another App “Ant smash” your i house app .

can make sure these 2 apps never install in my iPad mini  before .  But
until now . the install count still show up in Dashboard form


iPAD1 :

  this case would be a little serious.

Native iOS SDK . it would not show anything , because iPad1 only
support to iOS 5.X . so their can got IDFA ,so it do not show any ads

But in Corona build .  it show up the ads , and I install it .
still not install count . in new SDK , you show not show up any ADS on
iPAD1 . because you can not trace their .

I think this is bug . please fix it . This should be fixed in your server side .