REVMOB - Please, comment the situation to ALL of us

I don’t use RevMob (currently) but always keep an eye on all things Corona related. Just wanted to ask Jan whether RevMob would benefit from Corona’s plugin system (if you’re not currently using that) - that way you would have greater control and be able to benefit from native code i.e be able to access IDFA even though Corona didn’t implement in a timely fashion?

Hi everyone - I just posted this on another Revmob thread:

Hey Jan (and everyone else on the thread here),


I’d like to clear something up here. This is the first time I hear from RevMob about any issue they have had with Corona and the identifiers we provide. I know for a fact that no one on the team has heard about this either. As you all know, we have been very clear about what identifiers we provide and which ones we have deprecated - and it has all been driven by changes in the industry and decisions by Apple. These have not been arbitrary decisions by Corona Labs.


In fact, I don’t think any Corona developers, nor any of our *actual* monetization partners, have had any issues with this.


Furthermore, the last changes we did around this happened weeks ago. 


So, Jan, I would please request that in the future, when you think you are having problems caused by Corona, you email me and I’ll see if I can help. But blaming your problems on us is not fair at all.


Again, I’m happy to help. Just be sure to contact us next time if you have questions.





They dont blame corona its just the truth :wink:

Indeed. And the silence on the matter hurts RevMob’s reputation more than the technical issue.

I’ve been using those versions or better since Revmob said to use them 3 weeks ago. I’m confused, what changed on Monday that makes it possible to track IDFA only installs without having to update my SDK or Corona build? 

As much as some posters here like to beat up on Corona, step 1 should have been to reach out to Corona Labs.

Also, considering that RevMob has separate native IOS and Android SDKs it should be relatively simple to migrate to a revmob plug-in. 

Are you serious? … i didnt beat up Corona… do you really think that reach out Corona would help? How long did it take for the Ads support for other adservices 2 years etc.

Yes I am. RevMob should have made the effort to reach out to CL before posting a reply that basically says “it’s not our fault Corona isn’t doing their jobs” Even if nothing came of that, they could then say “hey listen, we talked to CL and unfortunately they couldn’t help us so it’s not our fault” Instead we got “5.2.1 is working as intended” followed by a long silence and then finallly a bit of finger pointing at CL. 

BTW, I didn’t specifically mean you with the beat up Corona comment, I apologize if that offended you. 

Going back to the topic–does the latest RevMob SDK (5.2.1) work 100% now using the latest daily build of Corona SDK (1135 and above)? If we upgrade to the latest versions, is there a guarantee that our “current” average revenue will not decline?