Hi all,
I have a main file and a scene file(next level). The scene file runs perfectly on its own( if its made as main itself) but when called as a scene, the runtime event listeners in it dont work.
--main file
local storyboard = require "storyboard"
local title = display.newImage ("title.png",20, 300)
local function starter(event)
title:removeEventListener("touch", starter )
remover(title) --remover is a function that takes any object and does removeSelf() on it. Works fine.
storyboard.gotoScene( "Level3")
title:addEventListener("touch", starter )
--Scene file (level3)
local function stop (event)
if event.phase == "ended" then
motionx = 0
motiony = 0
Runtime:addEventListener("touch", stop )
The “Runtime:addEventListener(“touch”, stop )” from the scene file doesnt work when the scene is called. Thanx in advance! [import]uid: 176335 topic_id: 33411 reply_id: 333411[/import]