Runtime 'location' event' (perhaps vs getUserLocation) question


I seem to be getting a lot of location events, even if I ask for my location only once.
I do:

myMap = native.newMapView (200, 200, 200, 200)
myMap.isVisible = false
Runtime:addEventListener ("location", e_run_location)

and without any calls of any kind to any map APIs, I get dozens of calls to e_run_location within about two minutes (all with a parameter which is a table of the format returned by getUserLocation).

(The Android phone is sitting on my desk … of course, I can’t say it “isn’t moving” because of normal location jitter.)

Is this normal?

Should I do a removeEventListener after I get my location?
E.g., do:

Runtime:addEventListener ("location", e_run_location)
where = myMap:getUserLocation ()   -- trigger a request for location now

function e_run_location ()    -- handler for location events
   where = myMap:getUserLocation ()
   if where and where.errorCode == 0 then       -- if we got a result this call
         my_lat = where.latitude
         my_long = where.longitude
         timer.performWithDelay (10, remove_listener)
           ...(code to prevent indefinite looping not shown)
        timer.performWithDelay (100, e_run_location)
function remove_listener ()
   Runtime:removeEventListener ("location", e_run_location)

BTW, I noticed that when the handler (e_run_location) is called by the system (not in response to a getUserLocation), it has an event parameter with the GPS info in it
(i.e., I was perhaps misled into thinking I wouldn’t have to call getUserLocation.)

The demo example at
does not even mention the Runtime listener for “location”.

Per a report on forum from 2014, I won’t try to remove the listener from the listener.
