Last year, over 400,000 teens were involved in accidents related to Distracted Driving - more specifically - Texting While Driving.
In cooperation with Masterbolt Development of Fort Myers Beach, Florida, SinSep Designs, llc of Birmingham, Alabama is proud to announce the release of SafeDriveZone for Android.
SafeDriveZone consists of 3 Apps - 1 on a Parent’s device (Phone or Tablet) and 2 on the Driver’s phone or cellular tablet. The Parent’s App (SafeDriveZone - Parent) is a cross-platform app, developed with the Corona Labs Corona development platform and is currently available for Android systems in Google’s Play store. An iOS release is currently in process and will be available shortly on the App Store.
The Driver App is an Android Native App that replaces the stock Launcher. sdzMessenger is a replacement App for the stock Android messenger.
In the Parent App, the Parent determines a threshold speed (along with a series of other parameters) that when reached by the Driver, enters a blocking mode where only Apps that have been specifically identified by the Parent can been seen and used. Further, text messages, and push notifications are silenced and prohibited from displaying in the drawer or as a popup. Inbound phone calls, not on an approved list established by the Parent, are redirected to voice mail with the caller receiving a text message identifying that the Driver is driving, and will return the call when safe to do so.
Parent’s can play back historical travel by the driver in pseudo-realtime mode (or play the trip at once), or in near-realtime, using SafeDriveZone’s Live-Drive mode.
For more information, visit: or contact David Anderson at