Salutations Fellow Corona SDK Users!

Firstly, I’d like to say that I’m glad to be part of such a lively and helpful community.

Secondly, I just finished the chapter-by-chapter Getting started guide and was looking for a way to expand my knowledge of Corona SDK & Lua and was wondering if anyone could direct me to some form of tutorials or lessons to achieve that.



Hello, MystHero!

There are really good resources on Youtube but your new best friend is the Corona’s API Documentation.

The rest is just your imagination, your lua coding skills and the logic behind.

An advice:

Just don’t try to learn all you can, learn all you need. What I mean is, you first need something you want to code.

Let’s say a platformer. So you don’t need a whole lesson on composer to make a character (or rectangle) to jump.

Just experiment by yourself, try to figure out things and look info on what you’re doing or you will quickly get bored.


Greetings and salutations back at you!

Whoa. Crazy Comic Sans Font! Greetings! 

Hello, MystHero!

There are really good resources on Youtube but your new best friend is the Corona’s API Documentation.

The rest is just your imagination, your lua coding skills and the logic behind.

An advice:

Just don’t try to learn all you can, learn all you need. What I mean is, you first need something you want to code.

Let’s say a platformer. So you don’t need a whole lesson on composer to make a character (or rectangle) to jump.

Just experiment by yourself, try to figure out things and look info on what you’re doing or you will quickly get bored.


Greetings and salutations back at you!

Whoa. Crazy Comic Sans Font! Greetings!