Same Action On Multiple Devices?

Is it possible to have one action such as clicking a checkbox appear on multiple devices that are running the same program?

Forgiveness requested if this was covered elsewhere.


You would have to have a server or have some peer-networking setup between devices and write code that would communicate between them and change behavior when notified.


Any tutorials available for that? In this case, it would have to be peer to peer.

I would research something called AutoLAN.  It’s a 3rd party product, but it works really well at getting multiple devices to talk to each other.


You would have to have a server or have some peer-networking setup between devices and write code that would communicate between them and change behavior when notified.


Any tutorials available for that? In this case, it would have to be peer to peer.

I would research something called AutoLAN.  It’s a 3rd party product, but it works really well at getting multiple devices to talk to each other.
