Samsung 10, 10+, 20, 20+ navigation buttons invading 'safe' space

In using the Samsung Remote Test Lab, I can see that the ‘safe’ variables are not properly set. in other words, display.safeActualContentHeight=display.viewableContentHeight

So then, how can I find how many pixels higher I need to place my game buttons so that they don’t conflict with the Samsung navigation buttons on the S10, S10+, S20, S20+, etc.?

ALL 3 of these values are identical so there is absolutely no way to know where the Android navigtion buttons start.


The same answer applies to both of your posts: Corona’s safe area API is not yet supported on Android.

Now, the previous message around these forums, that I had been told and which I had also then relayed to others, was that the rounded corners are a part of Android X and therefore aren’t supported, but after a quick Google search it seems that they are in fact a part of Android 9 Pie (API 28), which Corona does already support.

So, hopefully, once Vlad is done with the offline builds, he could take a look at adding this before he gets started with Metal et al.

It seems the only solution for this problem is to make the Android 10+ navigation buttons HIDE, unless the user brings them up.

To do this, I found this solution on another forum thread…

– Removes bottom bar on Android
if system.getInfo( “androidApiLevel” ) and system.getInfo( “androidApiLevel” ) < 19 then
native.setProperty( “androidSystemUiVisibility”, “lowProfile” )
native.setProperty( “androidSystemUiVisibility”, “immersiveSticky” )

You may want to use this ’ CoronaWindowMovesWhenKeyboardAppears’ in the build.settings file, so it ‘auto-moves’. It works nicely in my app, but beware of layout issues when keyboard is shown.

settings = { android = { -- minSdkVersion = "26", -- coronaWindowMovesWhenKeyboardAppears = true, CoronaWindowMovesWhenKeyboardAppears = true, ..... \<your other settings below\>