Save Captured Image/Video to sub-folder under PhotoLibrary ?

Hi All ,

Is it  possible to save image/video in a subfolder under the photo-gallery on both iOS and Android platform ?

Basically I want to save all the images/videos of my application in " PhotoLibrary/myapp " . Is this achievable   with Corona Sdk  new  media.captureVideo()  and media.capturePhoto() api ?

Thanks in advance.

For photo, it outputs it to your app’s bundle directories (system.TemporaryDirectory, system.CachesDirectory, system.DocumentsDirectory).  You can put it in a subdirectory inside one of those.

For video, there are no controls to manage the output.  You get a URL where it is located.


Thank You Rob for your quick response.

I am aware that we can put  the images in subfolders inside these three directories.

But is there a way we can create a folder in photoLibrary or camera roll of the device and put the captured images there ?

Thank you

Not with the Corona SDK APIs

Is there any other way to share/link/copy a file to the gallery (or whatever path the gallery looks at by default) ?? 

I’ve seen other apps drop screenshots there, so it must be do-able (it’s not totally prohibited, at least on Android).  Maybe use the LFS module to navigate the whole file system?  (though it seems like it is also locked down to just the app’s directories)

I’m not familiar with the Android native side of things, but on iOS you have to use the iOS SDK to move photos in and out of the Camera Roll.  You can create albums and such and have photos save to an album.   But the tools built into Corona SDK will just let you save to the camera roll and not an album.  If you want to do this, you would need to either use Corona Enterprise or CoronaCards where you can access native SDK features.  Corona SDK itself cannot.


Thanks Rob!

For photo, it outputs it to your app’s bundle directories (system.TemporaryDirectory, system.CachesDirectory, system.DocumentsDirectory).  You can put it in a subdirectory inside one of those.

For video, there are no controls to manage the output.  You get a URL where it is located.


Thank You Rob for your quick response.

I am aware that we can put  the images in subfolders inside these three directories.

But is there a way we can create a folder in photoLibrary or camera roll of the device and put the captured images there ?

Thank you

Not with the Corona SDK APIs

Is there any other way to share/link/copy a file to the gallery (or whatever path the gallery looks at by default) ?? 

I’ve seen other apps drop screenshots there, so it must be do-able (it’s not totally prohibited, at least on Android).  Maybe use the LFS module to navigate the whole file system?  (though it seems like it is also locked down to just the app’s directories)

I’m not familiar with the Android native side of things, but on iOS you have to use the iOS SDK to move photos in and out of the Camera Roll.  You can create albums and such and have photos save to an album.   But the tools built into Corona SDK will just let you save to the camera roll and not an album.  If you want to do this, you would need to either use Corona Enterprise or CoronaCards where you can access native SDK features.  Corona SDK itself cannot.


Thanks Rob!