Scale property not working in Physics Particle

Hi there,

Just a quick question. I’m trying to have my physics particles having random variation in scaling using the scaleStart and scaleVariation properties, but it’s not working. When creating the properties, I have the following:

local PropertiesCollidable = { imagePath = "images/particle\_xyz.png", imageWidth = 32, imageHeight = 32, directionVariation = 90, velocityStart = 150, velocityVariation = 20, rotationStart = 0, rotationVariation = 360, alphaStart = .65, alphaVariation = .2, fadeOutDelay = 1000, fadeOutSpeed = -.2, scaleStart = 2, scaleVariation = .5, killOutsideScreen = true, lifeTime = 2500, PhysicsMaterial = { bounce = 0, friction = 0, density = .5, radius = 16, categoryBits = 2, maskBits = 96 }, PhysicsProperties = { name = "myParticle", } } 

Do the scale properties not work for physics particles? If so, I can’t officially find it in the documentation. Just thought I’d ask. Thanks so much.

Physics bodies do not scale.  You can scale the display object, but you would have to remove the physics body and re-add it.

Physics bodies do not scale.  You can scale the display object, but you would have to remove the physics body and re-add it.