Hi there,
Just a quick question. I’m trying to have my physics particles having random variation in scaling using the scaleStart and scaleVariation properties, but it’s not working. When creating the properties, I have the following:
local PropertiesCollidable = { imagePath = "images/particle\_xyz.png", imageWidth = 32, imageHeight = 32, directionVariation = 90, velocityStart = 150, velocityVariation = 20, rotationStart = 0, rotationVariation = 360, alphaStart = .65, alphaVariation = .2, fadeOutDelay = 1000, fadeOutSpeed = -.2, scaleStart = 2, scaleVariation = .5, killOutsideScreen = true, lifeTime = 2500, PhysicsMaterial = { bounce = 0, friction = 0, density = .5, radius = 16, categoryBits = 2, maskBits = 96 }, PhysicsProperties = { name = "myParticle", } }
Do the scale properties not work for physics particles? If so, I can’t officially find it in the documentation. Just thought I’d ask. Thanks so much.