Schmyr Released! Live MultPlayer Card Game...

Schmyr has just been released in the App Store, my first published app!

Get Schmyr in the App Store!

It’s a trick-taking card game, Trump rules as 2, 3 or 4 players compete for all the Schmyr Bits on the table. Schmyr has a “Challenge Style” lobby system to connect players. There is in-game chat when you join a table and you can listen to your music library when playing the game. Buy a stack of Schmyr Bits to play on the higher valued tables.

It’s free to download and try, so do it! Put on your headphones, kick back and play. Whether you’re an avid card player or not, the challenging strategies of Schmyr won’t disappoint.

A “Like” or “Share” from the App Store would be greatly appreciated if you think it’s deserved.

A BIG thanks to Corona Labs and ALL the posters that have helped me so much while developing and publishing my first app.

I hope to see you in the Schmyr Lobby.

[import]uid: 106779 topic_id: 29628 reply_id: 329628[/import]

I can’t play it as I’m on android but it looks like fun. [import]uid: 53069 topic_id: 29628 reply_id: 119006[/import]