Hi you all, I’m using the score module that can be found @ http://coronalabs.com/blog/2013/12/10/tutorial-howtosavescores/. The first time I play the game (or for example I reload the project), it works great, but when I reload the scene the score starts increasing automatically.
Here’s the code I’ve used:
local scoreText = score.init({ fontSize = 20, font = "Fipps", x = display.contentCenterX, y = \_H/2-175, maxDigits = 1, leadingZeros = true, }) scoreText:setTextColor(1, 0.5, 0) local function move(event) if addScore.x \< \_W/2-100 then score.add(1) addScore.x = addScore.x + 100 end end Runtime:addEventListener( "enterFrame", move )
How can I fix that annoying issue? Thank you so much