It seems that
native.setProperty( "preferredScreenEdgesDeferringSystemGestures", true )
doesn’t work for iPhone X + 11.
Any chance it can be fixed. Thanks.
It seems that
native.setProperty( "preferredScreenEdgesDeferringSystemGestures", true )
doesn’t work for iPhone X + 11.
Any chance it can be fixed. Thanks.
Can you provide a better description of what you mean by it’s not working? What are you expecting? What are you seeing? A video might be really helpful as well as a simple project that demonstrates the issue (complete with main.lua, config.lua, build.settings and any needed assets) as a .zip file and share a link to it from DropBox, Google Drive or similar.
Well, I am expecting that it does what the docs state:
“preferredScreenEdgesDeferringSystemGestures” — iOS only; specify a boolean for value. If set, system gestures (Control Center, notification bar, etc.) would not work immediately, but require additional swipe to activate.
To see the issue add: native.setProperty( “preferredScreenEdgesDeferringSystemGestures”, true )
to what ever project and install the build on an iPhone X or 11 device.
The additional swipe to activate the software home button doesn’t work.
To see it working install the build on an iPhone < X with iOS >= 11
Hi @ojnab. I added it to the NativeDisplayObjects sample app, built and installed it to my iPhone X running iOS 13.1.3.
The bottom swipe up bar that you use to background an app, grayed out and took two swipes up to get it to work. Swipes from the top showed a small down arrow and it took a second swipe to bring down the notifications or the control panel.
I commented it out and built again. The app behaved just like apps without the feature enabled does.
It appears that it’s working to me.
Thanks Rob
I investigated the issue a bit more and it seems that when adding these together:
native.setProperty( "prefersHomeIndicatorAutoHidden", true ) native.setProperty( "preferredScreenEdgesDeferringSystemGestures", true )
the “preferredScreenEdgesDeferringSystemGestures” doesn’t work.
If I only add native.setProperty( “preferredScreenEdgesDeferringSystemGestures”, true ) it does work.
What happens if you flip the order of the two?
Yes that was the first thing I tried. No difference.
Maybe it is a limitation from apple’s side that you can’t both hide and defer.
My app’s can do without the hidden home indicator, so I just removed that part. Thanks