screens appear outside of the letterbox

We are working on an iPhone game that also supports iPad and other devices.

when switching screens in director, the coming screen appears and dissappers in milliseconds in the right of the outside letterbox before opening… (on iPad and other devices that show the outside of letterbox)

whats the problem about that? [import]uid: 96683 topic_id: 20441 reply_id: 320441[/import]

I modified two lines in fade code. You can modify like this, if you are using another fx.

nextView.x = _W + 500
currView.x = _W + 500


– EFFECT: Fade

– ARG1 = color [string]

– ARG1 = red [number]
– ARG2 = green [number]
– ARG3 = blue [number]

elseif effect == “fade” then

nextView.x = _W + 500
nextView.y = 0

local fade = display.newRect( -_W, -_H, _W * 3, _H * 3 )
fade.alpha = 0
fade:setFillColor( getColor( arg1, arg2, arg3 ) )
effectView:insert( fade )

local function returnFade( event )
currView.x = _W + 500
nextView.x = 0

local function removeFade( event )

showFx = fade, { alpha = 0, time = fxTime, onComplete = removeFade } )

showFx = fade, { alpha = 1.0, time = fxTime, onComplete = returnFade } )

[/code] [import]uid: 96683 topic_id: 20441 reply_id: 80164[/import]

You’re a complete star! Spent ages trying to find what was going on. Thank you for sharing your fix! [import]uid: 127193 topic_id: 20441 reply_id: 119208[/import]