I suspect that since you have to provide the name for the images now in the info.plist that the name itself has become irrelevant. In other words you could have Fred@2x.png and as long as its 640 x 1136 and you specify “Fred” in the table listed, you don’t have to name it exactly xxx. Look at this block of code:
{ -- iPhone 5/5S ["UILaunchImageMinimumOSVersion"] = "7.0", ["UILaunchImageName"] = "Fred", ["UILaunchImageOrientation"] = "Portrait", ["UILaunchImageSize"] = "{320, 568}" },
You are specifying the point size of the image in the UILaunchImageSize field. Apple is going to look at the device it’s one (iPhone 5) and it knows it needs to find the record with a size of 320x568. It will then take the UILaunchImageName and slap an @2x.png on the end and look to see if that file exists. If it does, you get a launch image, if it does not, you don’t.
Since iOS 6 (when the iPhone 5 came out) required the Default-568h@2x.png file to trigger tall mode, and I don’t know if that’s still the case with iOS 7 (though it seems to be from people who have left it out), it makes sense to keep a file with that name around. I don’t know yet how iOS 8 handles the tall mode. Hopefully it’s gone away since the 3.5" phone isn’t supported on it. But because our apps can still run on iOS 6, you should still keep a Default-568h@2x.png file in your folder.
Since you still need to do that, we are going to recommend you be consistent with your naming of your Launcher images and stay with Default-NNNh@2x.png and when you specify it in your build.setting’s UILaunchImages table, specify the file name and leave the @2x.png off.
This is known to work.
While Apple gives developers the freedom to do things, its much easier to just copy and paste our code that we know works and follow the convention. When you do your own thing, it makes it much tougher for other people in the community to help solve problems when you run into them. If you follow the conventions we lay out, when we say “Post your build.settings”, then we can spot problems easier.