scroll view go blank .

Hi im trying to learn how to implement a basic scroll view from the corona resources provided. I get the screen and the object and can move is around but if you try to drag and release, or do a pull of drag the screen fast and the screen goes blank , no error is thrown.

This is the code:

local widget = require “widget”
local obj = display.newRect( 50, 50, 100, 150 )
obj.x = 200
obj.y = 200
obj:setFillColor(140, 140, 140)

local scroller = widget.newScrollView
width = 320,
height = 480,
scrollWidth = 700,
scrollHeight = 1000


is some thing wrong in the code ,Please help

Thank you. [import]uid: 115284 topic_id: 26772 reply_id: 326772[/import]

I think you might need to first put a background image inside the scrollview the dimensions of scrolling area. then add your obj after.
[import]uid: 142733 topic_id: 26772 reply_id: 108630[/import]

Thank you for the reply . I tried this but it seems that’s not the problem. I found other people facing the similar issues.


but so far there is no fix on it , im inclined to believe that this has something to do with corona simulator or the build. [import]uid: 115284 topic_id: 26772 reply_id: 108633[/import]