Hi all.
I’m new to using a tiled map and having read through the forums I wanted to ask what would be best practice for adding objects who I’d like to detect collisions with or act as physics objects.
For example:
- my tile map is a large scrolling map of terrain e,g grassland, roads, sand etc
- I have a vehicle that I want to be able to drive across the map
- I have walls, buildings etc that have a width that may have a width or height partial tile width.
If I want to detect collisions with these (e.g a bullet should stop and disappear when it hits wall) or have my vehicle ‘bounce back’ from them, am I best placing these as ‘normal’ objects through the standard corona API and just use to calculate tileToPixel positions?
Also would it be best to store these object and their positions in an object layer in the tiled program or just store these via a standard lua table with tile coordinates or positions?
Many thanks for any advice. I’m struggling to find an up to date tutorial that will walk though these kind o questions.