I just wanted to know if this is fixed in a version later than 1076!
It’s the same in an emu set to Iphone, in a real Iphone, and in a real Xperia Z.
I would also take a workaround, since it’s near deadline.
In the screenshot, the scrollview has been pulled up and little and I still hold finger. When I release my finger, it snaps back correctly.
At the bottom, it’s cropped correctly.
The scrollview has top=44 and height=480-50-44=396, and content inside is slightly higher.
local sv=widget.newScrollView { top=T, left=0, width=w, height=CH2-50-T, scrollWidth=w, scrollHeight=CH2-50-T+10+40+40, --listener=scrollListener, backgroundColor={255,255,255}, --hideBackground=true, horizontalScrollDisabled=true }