ScrollView __collectorGroup

I am trying to access elements of scrollView by using _collectorGroup.

I can see the value stored in scrollview at location

"myView.__collectorGroup[31].text. == “x”

is it possible to change the text value  some how ?

the code below does not work as it throws exception, attempt to index field ‘__collectorGroup’ (a nil value)…




When you’re accessing a variable in an object in a Corona object and the member starts with an underscore, that’s intended to be a private variable and as such it’s undocumented and using it is unsupported. Maybe the community might have some advice for you, but are you sure you have the right number of underscores?


Thanks Rob,

Yes, I have the correct number of underscores, It seems it is a pointer to the var . when I change the var in the table 

it changes in the scrollview… I think…

When you’re accessing a variable in an object in a Corona object and the member starts with an underscore, that’s intended to be a private variable and as such it’s undocumented and using it is unsupported. Maybe the community might have some advice for you, but are you sure you have the right number of underscores?


Thanks Rob,

Yes, I have the correct number of underscores, It seems it is a pointer to the var . when I change the var in the table 

it changes in the scrollview… I think…