ScrollView problems with TextBox or TextFiled

Hi there,
i have a scrollView problem with TextBox or TextField.

The object passes over the scrollView, see the video links please.
Any idea or bug?

I have used also example of last build

Best Regards

ScrollView Problem

Are you using the native library? If so, then from the docs:

Native text boxes are not part of the OpenGL canvas and do not obey the display object hierarchy, so they will always appear in front of normal display objects including images, text, and vector objects.

Hi, you can make some tweak. For example, you can put a display.newText under the native.newTextField. When you’ve finished editing text, you copy the text to the display.newText.
That’s the start!

Best regards.

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Thank’s, guys.

@egruttner: i try :+1:

All the best