ScrollViewWidget.numChildren returns 3 instead of actual children count?


I was making an app for browsing names (humans) and I was stopped by an inaccurate result of numChildren for ScrollViewWidget. It always returns 3 even if the object doesn’t even have children or if children is more than 3. Is it a bug or am I doing something wrong?

Here’s my code:

local widget = require("widget") local backgroundPlayer = require("background") local objectSize = {x = 90,y = 90} local letters = {"A","B","C","D","E","F","G","I","H","J","K","L","M","N","O","P","Q","R","S","T","U","V","W","X","Y","Z"} local letterSelectionGroup = display.newGroup() local fontReallyBig = native.newFont("SinkinSans-200XLight.ttf",60) local fontBig = native.newFont("SinkinSans-300Light.ttf",35) local fontNormal = native.newFont("SinkinSans-300Light.ttf",20) local scrollViewGuideOptions = { x = 100, y = display.contentHeight/2, width = 300, height = display.contentHeight, horizontalScrollDisabled = true, friction = 0.7, scrollHeight = 3200, hideBackground = true } local scrollViewInteractiveOptions = { x = 100, y = display.contentHeight/2, width = 300, height = display.contentHeight, horizontalScrollDisabled = true, friction = 0.7, scrollHeight = 3200, hideBackground = true, isLocked = true } local scrollViewBackground = { x = 100, y = display.contentHeight/2, width = 300, height = display.contentHeight, fillColor = {1,1,1} } local mainScrollView = widget.newScrollView(scrollViewGuideOptions) local interactiveScroll = widget.newScrollView(scrollViewInteractiveOptions) local mSV\_Background = display.newRect(scrollViewGuideOptions.x,scrollViewGuideOptions.y,scrollViewGuideOptions.width,scrollViewGuideOptions.height) local rectBG = display.newRect(0,0,display.contentWidth,display.contentHeight) rectBG.anchorX = 0 rectBG.anchorY = 0 mSV\_Background:setFillColor(1,1,1,0.4) mSV\_Background.anchorX = 0 mainScrollView.anchorX = 0 mainScrollView:toFront() --local fontSmall = native.newFont("SinkinSans-200XLight.ttf",12) --local fontTiny = native.newFont("SinkinSans-200XLight.ttf",8) local letterIcons = {} backgroundPlayer:PlayBackground() rectBG:toBack() --mainScrollView for i = -2,#letters+2 do local options = { x = mainScrollView.width/2, y = 100+(150\*i), width = mainScrollView.width, height = 00, font = fontReallyBig, text = letters[i], fontSize = 80, align = "center" } local options2 = { x = mainScrollView.width/2, y = 100+(200\*i), width = mainScrollView.width, height = 200, } if letters[i] ~= nil then local newText = display.newText(options) mainScrollView:insert(newText) newText:setFillColor(0,0,0,0.8) else local newRect = display.newRect(options2.x,options2.y,options2.width,options2.height) newRect:setFillColor(1,0.8,0.8,0.4) mainScrollView:insert(newRect) end end mainScrollView:setScrollHeight(mainScrollView.numChildren\*200)--100+(200\*#letters)+300 -- Here print(mainScrollView.numChildren\*200) print(mainScrollView.numChildren)

I am unable to set the ScrollView’s scrollHeight correctly because of the wrong result.

Any help is welcome.

Scrollview is not a group so that will not work.  You can get access to the items if you dig around a bit.

But simply count the items as you add them then you know how many items are in the scrollview.

Well thanks about that.

The wiki told me though that the ScrollViewWidget inherits methods and properties from GroupObject but I’ll ignore that instead for now.

Scrollview is not a group so that will not work.  You can get access to the items if you dig around a bit.

But simply count the items as you add them then you know how many items are in the scrollview.

Well thanks about that.

The wiki told me though that the ScrollViewWidget inherits methods and properties from GroupObject but I’ll ignore that instead for now.