SeeSaw - Corona turn-based game engine

Would anyone be interested in such a thing?

I am working on a turn-based game which uses as its backend to store user and game data, and much of the code could be re-used for any sort of turn-based game, so it occurred to me that this might be of use to other Corona developers. Basically everything that is in an app like Songpop that isn’t the gameplay itself.

It would include tasks such as:

Creation of accounts using e-mail or facebook sign-in

Login to accounts and retrieval of user & game data

Linking an existing e-mail account to a facebook user

Find opponents based on given criteria

Find which of your facebook friends play the game

Download facebook pictures of friends and other opponents

Display potential matches (random or facebook friends)

Search for users by e-mail, username etc

Invite facebook friends without the game installed to play

Display list of games in progress with score and status

User settings/profile screen including password reset

Post-round score update screen

Push notifications to opponents to remind them to play back

Chat system (probably using pubnub rather than

Display game result with photo on facebook feed

Update game status and upload round information to via batch operations

Detect whether a user validated their signup e-mail address

ssaw3.png ssaw2.png ssaw1.png

Yes. I’d be interested. Doing something similar with GC but I have a feeling I will get stuck when I want to venture into Android land. Was reading about 4 Snaps which is a neat app created by a 16 year old using Parse as the backend so I had Parse on my list to look into… Your template could save me some time.

Have you sorted out the push messages for Android platform? From earlier discussions I recall Corona SDK could not do Push on Android through Parse. 

When you would be releasing the template?

It’s probably a few months away from being released, depending on the interest in generates I’ll focus attention away from my game accordingly.

Am venturing into push notifications next week - I think there could be workarounds for Android, such as cloud functions. Either that or implement a different system such as pushwoosh.

Sounds good. I look forward to hearing more from you on this template. Let me know if you need an early tester. All the best.

Yup, I would definitely pay for this template.

I’m in

Yes. I’d be interested. Doing something similar with GC but I have a feeling I will get stuck when I want to venture into Android land. Was reading about 4 Snaps which is a neat app created by a 16 year old using Parse as the backend so I had Parse on my list to look into… Your template could save me some time.

Have you sorted out the push messages for Android platform? From earlier discussions I recall Corona SDK could not do Push on Android through Parse. 

When you would be releasing the template?

It’s probably a few months away from being released, depending on the interest in generates I’ll focus attention away from my game accordingly.

Am venturing into push notifications next week - I think there could be workarounds for Android, such as cloud functions. Either that or implement a different system such as pushwoosh.

Sounds good. I look forward to hearing more from you on this template. Let me know if you need an early tester. All the best.

Yup, I would definitely pay for this template.

I’m in

I would defensively pay for such a template, Corona is missing a dummy way to get going on turn based multiplayer cross iOS and Android. Can you give a rough ETA?

Hopefully within a month…I am still adding the last few features and then need to tidy it up so it’s easier to understand. 

@Nick: good stuff. what about the costs, what do you expect to pay for a regular player of your game? (in terms of api call, costs)

It requires Enterprise to fully implement Android push with Parse. The Parse SDK is required.

The advantage of Parse in the area of push is it works on any Android 1.6 or newer device. This includes Amazon and Nook devices. No other service that I am aware of can service them all with one solution. Urban Airship used to support them with Helium but has since dropped their custom service and only use GCM now.

There may be a service that supports more push services than just GCM and APNS, but I do not know of any. Therefore you lose out on Amazon and B&N devices unless you use ASNS (for Kindle) or in the case of B&N the use has a newer device and the user uses GPGS. Nook Color and Nook Tablet has no options other than Parse. B&N has never created it’s own push service as far as I am aware. The just allow Google services on their new devices now.

I made my choice of Parse some time ago and have not looked into other options since. So outside of Parse, take my 2 cents with a grain of salt.

Hi Nick

If you dont mind me asking, how is progress going on this?

I would defensively pay for such a template, Corona is missing a dummy way to get going on turn based multiplayer cross iOS and Android. Can you give a rough ETA?

Hopefully within a month…I am still adding the last few features and then need to tidy it up so it’s easier to understand. 

@Nick: good stuff. what about the costs, what do you expect to pay for a regular player of your game? (in terms of api call, costs)

It requires Enterprise to fully implement Android push with Parse. The Parse SDK is required.

The advantage of Parse in the area of push is it works on any Android 1.6 or newer device. This includes Amazon and Nook devices. No other service that I am aware of can service them all with one solution. Urban Airship used to support them with Helium but has since dropped their custom service and only use GCM now.

There may be a service that supports more push services than just GCM and APNS, but I do not know of any. Therefore you lose out on Amazon and B&N devices unless you use ASNS (for Kindle) or in the case of B&N the use has a newer device and the user uses GPGS. Nook Color and Nook Tablet has no options other than Parse. B&N has never created it’s own push service as far as I am aware. The just allow Google services on their new devices now.

I made my choice of Parse some time ago and have not looked into other options since. So outside of Parse, take my 2 cents with a grain of salt.